Thursday, October 31, 2019

Let him be handicapped..!

I keep my son's WhatsApp account in my phone's second space. The reason was he doesn't have a phone (many of his mates named him as peculiar creature for this 'defect'). Mistakenly and unfortunately he had his own WhatsApp number which is being used in my mobile's second space.
Need to say about the messages? OMG messages are pouring day and night from his old school mates and his new classmates. One way it's helpful when they share any study materials which I usually download and share with him.
Initially got irritated with the messages they shared and especially the language. Very common to use bad words among them, I understand gradually.
Recently, the first term exam was held. During every exam's before night, they exchanged messages in an extreme manner. Mostly, they asked each other what they are studying, did they complete the portion and a few asked about the portions also. And video they took at class when teacher taught them shared. (It was not allowed and candid capture).
Seriously wondered and worried that when would they study and how would they concentrate on their studies if they keep looking at mobile. Wouldn't be distracted from their focus?
Fortunately, happened to meet a parent and casually but purposely shared the mobile incident. He told me initially hesitated to allow a mobile to his daughter. But, she felt 'inferior' among her friends' circle and assured him that she would use mobile only for 'academic' purpose. He was convinced by his spouse and a few teachers. Only then he gifted her a smart phone it seems. But, noticed his face was gloomy.
He justified his decision by saying, "who doesn't have a mobile nowadays.. smartphone becomes a part of our body, kids are born with smartphone!"

While leaving, he asked me whether my son has got a smartphone or not.  Very curious to know since he has shared his daughter's story.

With a big smile replied him, "Let him be handicapped!".

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