Saturday, December 22, 2018

Big Chocolate

By a look he seems a construction labor who holds his baby at a pan shop. The baby was so cute to adore. He was buying two pan (chewable tobacco) pocket and the shop keeper gave a small candy without asking. It was routine and the candy to compensate balance change it seems. I was waiting for my shuttle to pick me up at Carmelaram bus stop. His baby was standing at his knee level and showing the pet jar which contains five rupees cadbury chocolate. She was keep calling him and asking for that big chocolate. He gave her the candy. But, refused to accept it. Now he lifted her and telling something about the big chocolate. By his face expression, I understand that he was telling that was not good and this small one is best. She started crying and not ready to accept that candy. He got angry and left. I was able to see both were walking and he was trying to convince her. Finally, she took in her hand that small candy with a crying face.

In a few minutes, he came alone to the same shop. I just watched him what he forgot to buy. Surprisingly, he returned that pan pocket and asked for that big chocolate. Shop keeper got irritated but, opened the jar and took out the chocolate. Shop keeper was telling something but, he was not listening and walked off with that big chocolate. I could see a smile on his face.

My shuttle has arrived !

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